Thursday, December 20, 2012

HW: Choices 17B Week 17 12/17

Something I do well is painting. I like what I'm good at and I feel like i'm pretty good at it. I started painting at a very young age and ever since it got stuck with me. I hope that I never lose interest in it because it's one of the only things that I can say i'm actually kind of good at.

JCCS Academic Language Assessment Week 17

The benefits of importing Chinese goods does outweigh the consequences for the U.S.A. Importing goods from China is very useful in some ways since it makes us get our products faster. The down side of this is that it doesn't help us with our economy and in reality we're actually helping China with their economy. For every one item that we export we import four items from china. Not only that but it also affects our environment. The transportation that we use to ship the items creates a lot of pollution. For this reason we should start exporting more items out and not importing so many items from China.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

HW: Choices 17C Week 17 12/18

One of the things that I dislike about myself is not being mature enough in some situations. One of the times that I have noticed that I can say that I'm not mature enough is losing something important. One day my aunt and I had gone to the store to get some groceries. She had me write down a list of the food that we needed, she relied on me a lot since she she had problems with writing. Unfortunetly, I lost the list & my aunt was so disappointed in me it made me notice that I needed to work on this. The thing about maturity is that ypu can be mature for somethings but for others you can be silly & immature.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

HW/A: Academic Language Written Assessment Week 15 12/6

Should drivers be able to talk while driving? In my opinion, drivers should be smart enough to know tha talking or texting while driving is not a smart idea. Multi tasking is something that we have tried doing at least one in our lives but people take it to the extreme when they try to use the phone & drive.Talking on the phone while driving is the one of the main reasons why there is a lot of car crashes in our highways and feeways. Not only does it affect you but the person that unfortunetly gets hit by your car, usually gets hurt more. In couclusion, my opinion is that using your phone while driving is not worth risking your life or others.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

JCCS Academic Language Assessment Week 8

               Religion and education are too different things so in my opinion, they shouldn't be mixed together.Schools have been thinking about putting the ten commandments in classrooms so students would know the rules that should be followed. I disagree with this because the ten commandments states things that don't go with the class expectations.Another reason is some kids have different religions so the ten commandments would be something that they don't a play a role on.

Monday, September 24, 2012

JCCS Academic Language Assessment Week 4

The pressure of teen sports has not gone too far. One reason is that kids can actually use sports to their advantage because the sport can get them a sports scholarship to college. Another reason is that society has SIGNIFICANTLYinfluenced people into thinking that one can conform with not winning, that trying is simply 'enough' to get a participation ribbon. Lastly, sports are used to help CONSTUCT social skills and for kids to have fun. The pressure of teens sports has not gone too far because the sports can help them IDENTIFY with themselves.

Monday, September 17, 2012

First Post

This is my first blog post. It is also my first day in Ms. Priester's class.